Delivering LLSE's NPQ in China

March 16, 2024 has become a professional development landmark date for Tuopu, LLSE, Britannica International and the wider scene of international and bilingual education in China.

Tuopu, LLSE’s International Delivery Partner in China, organised and delivered the first live face-to-face National Professional Qualifications, in partnership with the prestigious Britannica International School Shanghai, part of Orbital Education group.

Tuopu-LLSE NPQ event is a first such workshop for school leaders in international and bilingual schools in China. It is also ground-breaking as the first such training workshop bringing together key stakeholders: NPQ Expert Facilitators and international school leaders on the ground in China.

The event is part of a series of workshops scheduled by the NPQ International Delivery Partner, Tuopu, working with LLSE (UK), the DfE’s lead NPQ provider. The NPQ curriculum offers a range of professional learning and development opportunities, including exposure to the latest research evidence in education, reflective practice based on context, expert facilitation through regular communication, webinars and face-to-face workshops. The blended learning approach has two primary outcomes: ensuring effective and practical engagement, and creating opportunities for peer-learning in positive and safe school environments.

Themed “Pioneering DfE’s National Professional Qualifications in China with Tuopu and LLSE”, this face-to-face event stands out in more than one way: the event is part of a delivery programme which keeps good faith with the intent of DfE’s NPQ. With a high quality local infrastructure and a unique education partnership model, Tuopu is now able to genuinely implement a school leadership development programme that not only aligns with DfE’s requirements, but also ensures the needs of participants are equitably met in the international arena, without any compromise.

The event was attended by all participants on the NPQ Leading Teaching and NPQ Headship programmes. The workshops were focused on effective leadership for developing quality of teaching. Building on evidence from cognitive science, Rosenshine’s principles and Sherrington’s Four Strands, the NPQLT participants came together to identify effective strategies for supporting colleagues in their schools. Their learning experience was a practical consolidation of their capacity to apply the implementation guidance to Professional Development Planning.

For their part, the headteachers focused on combining research evidence and characteristics of effective teaching to develop/improve Teaching and Learning Policies for their respective context.

The workshops were facilitated by NPQ Experts fully trained by LLSE and also residing in China. The event was grounded in shared common values held by the key partners in the delivery: LLSE’s unswerving commitment to all round excellence, Tuopu’s firm belief in local and contextualised delivery capacity, participants’ readiness to fully invest in their professional development, and the support of international schools - sponsoring staff and providing the necessary resources and facilities to host the NPQ event.

Much of the appreciation therefore goes to all school leaders who have taken this unique NPQ opportunity in China, to develop themselves and ultimately contribute to the fostering of positive international school cultures with hallmarks of high-quality teaching.

The train is moving but we can stop for you to join us. What are you or your school waiting for?

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